Industry Facts & Stats

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  Industry Facts & Stats

A snapshot of the turkey industry in Canada (2024)

Industry Stats

Turkey Farmers of Canada; Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada; Statistics Canada Reviewed September 2024.

Number of Turkey Farmers 510+
Total Turkey Production – All Categories (million kg) 150.3
Total Farmgate Value (million $) – 2021 397.1
Total Turkey Meat Exports (million kg) 22.3
Total Turkey Meat Imports (million kg) 2.7
Number of Commercial Turkey Hatcheries 7
Number of Federally Inspected Turkey Processing Plants 17
Turkey Farmers of Canada; Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada; Statistics Canada. Reviewed September 2022

Annual and seasonal consumption statistics (2023)

Reviewed September 2024.



  • Canadians consumed 134.2 million kg (Mkg) of turkey in the year 2023.
  • Per capita turkey consumption in 2023 was 3.3 kg.
  • The Nielson Company reported an estimated 45.1 Mkg of turkey and turkey products were purchased at retail by Canadians in 2023 (excluding deli).
  • Of that 45.1 Mkg, 35.3 Mkg of whole turkeys were purchased.
  • In 2023, Canadian households consumed a total of 6.4 million whole turkeys.
  • Annual sales of turkey parts and processed turkey products in Canadian supermarkets was 9.8 Mkg in 2023 (excluding deli).


At Thanksgiving 2023, 2.1 million whole turkeys were purchased by Canadians, equal to 37% of all whole turkeys that were sold over the year.



At Christmas 2023, 2.6 million whole turkeys were purchased by Canadians, equal to 46% of all whole turkeys that were sold over the year.

Learn more

Canadian Turkey Stats 1974-2023 e-Book

A statistical history of the Canadian turkey industry, with select information on competing meats and international markets.

Read the e-book

Canadian Turkey Stats 1974-2023 e-Book